Future House Dream List Item #4 Have modern, functioning appliances. One large burner on my stove doesn't cut it for me. Having a tiny freezer with NO shelves in it, no bueno. And a dishwasher without a top rack spinner or a utensil rack. Seriously? I mean really? What's the point of having a dishwasher?
Ooo! Last one.
Future House Dream List Item #5 "ranch-style" floorplan. Meaning no stairs! I'm 24 years old and I have the knees of a 90 year old. Going up and down the stairs twelve thousand times a day is not ideal.
I lied. One moreFuture House Dream List Item #6 live in a city/neighborhood not filled with crime. Maybe I'm just sheltered from living in Montana for so long, and there rarely being any "serious" crime. But I have to force myself not to watch the news here. There are so many murders, robberies, kidnappings, etc. It absolutely terrifies me. Just this week, There have been at least a half dozen well-publicized murders. A few weeks after we moved into this apartment, there was a meth-lab explosion across the street from us. The morons took three innocent lives that day. I feel a tad safer, knowing that there is a police officer right next door to us. I think the sight of his police cruiser disuades a lot of potential criminals from entering our apartment area. Even when we lived on base, I didn't feel safe. There were maybe 4 street lamps for the entire street. There have been a string of car break-ins lately, inside of peoples' carports. I mean if you're not safe on base with the MP's patrolling, that's sad. Although, the part of base we lived on, is not a gated community like most bases are. Unless Michael is home, I don't even want to be out of the house past sunset. That's when the crazies come out. You know what I'm talking about.
However, I digress.
To my mommy friends:
What do/did you get your toddler to eat? Amelia and I have struggled with her eating solids. She's only just recently started eating enough for solids to actually count as food. I hope that makes sense. She's doing much better, but I just don't know what to make her. 9 times out of 10 she feeds it to the dog. I understand that even so, a lot of toddlers don't eat "meals" per se, but I feel like she's not getting enough nutrients.
Anyways. I took sleeping pills so I could actually fall asleep before 1 am when my husband gets home from work, and they are finally kicking in. Sweet dreams all!
By the way. These are Oatmeal Scotchies, or Mouthgasms lol. I hadn't made them yet when I gave you the recipe, so here's a really stellar webcam shot. |
Tri-Vi-Sol vitamin drops . . . they give Vit A, C, and D (they also taste a whole lot better than the Poly-Vi-Sol). As for actual solids there are Veggie Melts by Gerber which have a fruit/veggie serving in them. There are also these things called Mum, Mums which are rice crackers things that also come in other "flavors." Furthermore,just try everything that is soft. For veggie cook or steam them (carrots, peas, green beans, asparagus, butternut squash, yellow crooked-necked, sweet potatoes - even baked sweet potato fries with a little seasoning). Fruit just give small chunks of anything (apple, mandarin oranges, peach, prune, banana, grapes). Good luck!! It's hard, but she'll get used to it soon. Okay, I wrote a book. Let me know if I can help any other way! Miss you guys!