Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Chronicles of Coxson

This one is long. But it's mostly pictures. So think of it as a digital picture book. Like the ones you used to read in high school.

Trying to blog every day is really hard. And being a mom makes it that much more difficult. And now I remember why my previous blogs have a big fat FAIL stamped across them. Just kidding, this one is a lot more fun to write. However I don't think I'm going to be able to give you a daily dose of our oh so fabulous life. But as I sit here trying to make up for yesterday, Amelia is napping, and Michael is watching the Twilight movies. Yes, you heard me right. Anyways, I just can't seem to think of anything worthwhile to say.

So rather than sharing whatever funny anecdote happened this weekend, I think I'll actually take the time to introduce my family. I think most of you that read this, are pretty familiar with us Coxsons. We are a particular breed of species. We speak 2 languages, Sarcasm and English. (Okay Michael speaks Spanish too, don't want to discredit his hard work). A lot of what I have to say is generally going to with a sardonic tone. Now I know sarcasm doesn't always come across the best in text, so you should just assume that everything I say is serious.
This sweet picture was taken back when cameras
still had film.

Michael and I met in the summer of 2004, I was a Junior and Michael was a Senior. Oh how we had a whirlwind romance. Haha that's a big ol' fat lie. Okay so we met at a tri-stake (church) youth conference barn dance. They were taking us on this sort of pioneering hike. This was (what seems) so long ago, I honestly can't remember the details. All I know is I think I became friends either with Anna (best sister in law ever) or with their friends and somehow Michael and I got introduced. At the time his family lived in Big Sandy, MT (Go Pioneers!), and I lived in Great Falls, MT. So the only time we ever went out, was when they happened to be in town. I think this picture was from our first date. Soon after, Mike's family moved to Bradleyville, MO, a.k.a the mole on Missouri's butt. After they moved, Anna and I stayed friends, but Mike and I didn't really talk.

The following summer (2005) Mike, Anna, and their brother Adam, came back up to Montana to work at the K-M Scout Camp. I went to EFY in Provo, with Holly, Sam, and Stephanie. EFY is a week long "camp" where high-school students get to stay at college campuses all over the US. It's pretty much one of the coolest things I got to do as a high-schooler. I met a lot of awesome people, and came home in the best spiritual shape of my life. Well while at EFY, we were only allowed to call our families once I think. As I was on the phone with my mom, and she said, "A Mike called for you." Now being at EFY, I was on the prowl for cute boys, and thought I had met the boy of my dreams. So when my mom said Mike, I had no idea who she was talking about. After a few minutes I realized who it was, and she told me that they would be there through the end of summer. After I got home from EFY, I went back to work at TCBY (the best job ever). One day at work, Mike randomly showed up, and we were happily reunited. For the rest of that summer, we went on dates and had tons of fun until they went back to BFE.

Summer after my Senior year (2006), talked throughout my senior year a bit, but living 1500 miles apart doesn't help much. One day we were chatting on IM, and mike jokingly said something about how I should come visit him. So me being the newly graduated girl I was, basically hopped on a plane to Missouri. Fun ensued, and remained in contact after that.

Bored yet? 8 years is a long time to cover. Be glad you're getting the Reader's Digest version.

In December of 2006, Michael put in his mission papers, and shortly thereafter was called to serve a full-time mission in East LA. He served as a spanish speaking elder. I quickly agreed to write him while he served, and did so diligently for about 6 months. After that, is another story for another time.

Sexy right?
After Michael's mission, I think he waited 3 whole days before he got home to call me. Realizing what a putz I had been for the last 2 years, I swiftly got my poop in a group. I had started a new job recently and that helped me a lot, to get back to where I needed to be. By that I mean, I stopped hanging around the people that I desperately needed to sever ties with. It might sound silly to some of you, but after that first phone call, I knew that I was going to marry Elder Coxson.

After a few more phone calls, we decided that I was going to go visit again. Michael's family was going on a vacation, they were driving from Missouri up to New York. I flew into Indianapolis as they were already on the road, and they picked me up. The premise of this vacation, was to visit the church historical sites. To date, it has been the best vacation I've been on, and of
 course will never forget.
And now for a short photo montage
The whole fam damily on the vacation, minus dad
Man. We look good.
Niagara Falls
More falls...
Oh ya...did I mention he proposed at Niagara Falls?

We're so cute 
Hill Cumorah Pageant = best show ever.
 Oh yeah. There was a lot of kissing.
Super awesome engagement pictures by Adam.
Let's see. So we got married on August 19, 2009, just two short months after being reunited.

And then we had a baby! Hurray!
Okay, I think I've put you through enough pain and suffering for one night. I'm sure I will be chronicling Amelia a lot more later. But to be fair. I did warn you this was long. And more for me then you.
Happy blogging :) have a good Sabbath!





  1. so i thought i'd put in my 2 cents and some change about how we really met. it was at a youth conference, and we did dance in a barn, but this is how it really went down... it was a hot summers day, sun blistering down and I saw a hot chick at youth conference. so being the cool cat that i am, i decided to go talk to her (cuz i'd prolly never see her again anyways, so i can make a fool out of myself). we hung out all day and we had the dance at night. we danced together and made alot of other people dance, it was good times. the next day we were departing and i asked for her email address(no cell phones yet). she gave it to me, but when i asked her out she said no because she had a boyfriend. well i said thats okay, i just wanted to be friends. she fell for that lie, and now we live happily ever after

  2. I never know how you guys met! All I ever knew about him was that he was cool Teepee Mike from K-M. Great story!

  3. It was a great vacation. I didn't realize everything happened so fast! It seemed a lot slower. Ahh sweet love!
