Tuesday, September 18, 2012


First off, I hope you have your sitting pants on, because this one is loooooooong.

Some 3 or 4 weeks ago, I decided that I was going to create a blog, because I'm a funny guy and everyone wants to hear what I have to say. Well then our awesome, really old (2 1/2 years old) laptop died. It may have had something to do with the glass of water I spilled on it, but there's no sense in placing blame. Anyways, one week later and we have a new computer (and the peasants rejoiced!), and now I can blog my two cents about being a crazy WORK at home mom.

Ah...you caught that did ya? Work at home? Becca doesn't work...or does she? Show me ONE stay at home mom, that doesn't work. Exactly! You can't! Why? Because being a stay at home mom is anything but a day off. There are no sick days, no vacations, no work parties. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely, one-hundred-and-eighty percent love being a mom. Especially to a toddler as entertaining, smart, cute, and mischievious as Amelia.

To those of you who aren't familiar with Amelia, let me introduce her. Amelia is 382 days old. Or as I more commonly like to say, she is 54 weeks old. Why do I say it like that? You know how while you're pregnant and people ask how far along you are, you say, "Oh, I'm 26 weeks." Although, let's admit it by 26 weeks, most people just think you're cashing in on those free "hot now" donuts at Krispy Kreme.

"Uh....how old is he?"
"Um, he is 48 months old..."

If you don't understand that movie reference...well go get chocolate wasted.

Anyways. So I decided that I will leave the calculating of how old she is, to the infinite number of strangers that want to pinch her cheeks and often think she is a boy. As many parents of bald baby girls know, you can dress them in ALL pink (which we will never do) and people will still ask how old he is. Let's see...Amelia loves ice cream (as you can see), chasing the dog, and jumping on the couch. She is the most well-behaved baby a mom could ask for. Seriously. I don't know how Michael and I managed that one, but I imagine we won't be so lucky next time. Granted she has been throwing some pretty intense temper tantrums lately, but we're trying to quit the tit, and she's not very happy about it.

I won't ramble on too much about Amelia, because I can guarantee that all of my posts will have a little (probably all about) her shananigans and antics of the day.

There are a few key things you should know about me, well probably my husband too.

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also commonly referred to as the Mormons. For more information on our AWESOME religion, please visit www.mormon.org :)
I will delve more into my personal testimony in another blog, but if you have any questions, I would love to answer them! I fully intend on frequently revisiting being Mormon later, but for the purposes of introducing myself, I will hold off for now.


We have been married for 3 amazing years. I like to think we have an ideal marriage, we don't fight ever, we're very money conscious (I'll bet you'll love me for this one later), and we're both relatively funny. In case you were wondering, the aforementioned items make for a kick-butt marriage.

Oh last thing, for now. We make really cute babies. Okay baby, in this case. But I'm pretty sure any future spawn will be relatively good-looking also. However there is the off chance that we used all of our good genes on Amelia. I mean, she is pretty awesome.

By now, you might be wondering, "Why is this crazy lady writing a blog about how awesome her family is?" Well...
A) for telling you how awesome my kid is.
B) I like to think I'm pretty funny, and so I've decided to enlighten your day by making you laugh.
C) I'm a decent cook, and a pretty alright baker, so I decided to share all of my awesome recipes with you.
D) You will get to see all of the really sweet things I crochet.

In case you were wondering, today's word is: AWESOME, it is brought to you by the letter Q.

Ah. Now the fun begins. I crochet like a mad fool. No not fool, my dad doesn't like that word. Let's say...I crochet like...me :) I will shamelessly promote my "business" and toot my own horn. A lot. I have a little crochet business called CuteLoops, you can visit my awesome creations on facebook or on Etsy. www.facebook.com/RebeccasCuteLoops or www.rccuteloops.etsy.com Here are a few examples of really sweet things I've made :)
 I warn you, I will post A TON about my hooking. Haha see what I did there? However, I hope to become a mediocre blogger, in which case, you will be able to filter through my posts, and decided which ones you want to occupy those brain cells.

I will most likely be posting recipes frequently. Either labled edible or with poison controls number. Tonight's menu is courtesy of Michael's mission, burritas, no that is not a typo. So if we're lucky, you'll get that recipe later :)

Well I think that'll do for now. I'm getting yelled at by crankypants (Amelia). So stay tuned for more awesomeness! I promise in future blogs I won't use the word awesome as much... mwah ha ha ha.


  1. Awesome! Way cute blog. Can't wait to read more :-)

  2. As much as it pains me to say this... Pretty clever first blog post, Becca.

  3. You make me want to start blogging again! And I miss having a friend!! So I'll just blog stalk you :)
