Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dear Husband,

    I am sorry I picked on you about being Man-sick. Although I still believe that such a thing exists, that was not the case this last time.


I got the Man-sickness. It was exactly as I stated in my previous post. Weak and un-damaging. However it was a very exhausting bug. And after taking care of sick husband, and then sick me, and now sick Amelia; I am pooped. I really wish we had all gotten sick at the same time. It would have made things so much easier. Instead, I have barely left my house in two weeks, and until my progeny is healthy again, I will not be very social for a few more days.

Hence the lengthy absence of a more recent blog post.

But seriously, I apologize to Michael for picking on him about being sick. I have basically been worthless for the past week, and it wasn't very nice of me to publicly chastise his ailment. I love you Michael :)

On the upside, I got a LOT of crocheting done in the past week. So in case anyone needed reminding, this is what I do. All the time. And you should buy earwarmers and hats and gloves and mittens to make your little ones ears and fingers warm :) oh and scarves. This is what I did, just Saturday and Sunday during General Conference.
So I made a slouchy hat, they're fun and fast to make, and
for some reason every body loves them

Amelia won't hold still for beans (but come on would you
hold still if I gave you beans?) so this is blurry, but I had to be
a dork and make a mini-slouchy hat for her too :) 
And here we are modeling our sweet hats.

and I made these fun earwarmers. They are so easy and quick to make, so I made two :) One for Amelia, who will never wear hers when she is not sleeping, and one for this awesome foam head!

 Speaking of General Conference. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Best talks in 6 months ;) My mormon peeps will understand that. But for you non-mormon folk, that is a chuckle-worthy reference, because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has two Semi-Annual (hence the word Semi) Conferences. In which the General Authorities of the church, i.e. Presidint Thomas S. Monson and his apostles, and the other leaders of the Church, speak on anything and everything. So every six months, the best talks ever are given. So in 6 months from now, they will out-do themselves with even better talks :) Easy Peesy Lemon Squeezy. Got it? Right? Well in case you were curious about the stuff they talk about, here's a handy dandy link so you can watch or read for yourselves.

So after much debate about Halloween costumes, I finally decided what I'm going to be. And hopefully with a little creative help from my good friend Tamra, I will be able to piece together a costume that requires...unique flaws.



Hopefully it will look relatively like this. Maybe a little bit. Fortunately, I can make mistakes with this costume, so hopefully they'll look good haha. I went to goodwill and spent far too much money on "scrap" fabric to piece together my costume, but with a little sharpie and some thread, I can only hope that this, will turn out something like this. I think I will do without the glove-sleeve thingies. But we'll see.
Another project I am working on this week, are rainbow sock monkey hats. I started this one yesterday, all it needs are some buttons for the eyes.
Well it is late, which means its time for bed...most likely. But first! A very late dinner with my handsome husband :)


  1. Why does it look slouchier on the foam head than on your head? Just curious ;)

    1. hmmm I replied to this last night, but I guess it didn't work lol. But the foam head is modeling it from the side, and me from the front. Duh Jenni :)
